System Requirements

What are the recommended system requirements?

To have a smooth playing experience of Online Rummy at we recommend the below mentioned requirements: Your Computer

  • CPU - Pentium 4 and above is recommended.
  • RAM - 512MB is recommended.
  • Operating System - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux.
  • Screen Resolution - 1024x768 is recommended.
  • Turn on your speakers to listen to Game Sounds.
  • Flash Player 9 or greater should be installed on your computer. To download the latest Flash Player, click here.

What browsers do you support now?

We recommend the below mentioned requirements for your internet browser.

  • Browsers - Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7 work best and Firefox also provides a very good experience.
  • Your browser must be Java Script Enabled.
  • Popup Blocker must be disabled for on your browser.

What Internet Connection is required?

We recommend the below mentioned requirements for your internet connection. It's important that you have a fast speed internet connection to experience the superior gaming experience on

  1. Network Connection - 256kbps and above is recommended.
  2. Procedure to analyze Internet Connection.
    • To check loss percentage and latency, go to Start, then Run and type cmd.
    • In the resulting screen, type the following: ping - n 50.
    • After a minute or so, statistics will appear giving information on the above.
  3. Ideally, the loss percentage should be below 2%.
  4. The latency should ideally be below 500ms on average.
  5. Network Stabilization
    • At certain times, your internet connection is not suitable for playing multiplayer games as the connection to our servers keep breaking from your end.
    • If this is detected by our servers, we have to give sufficient time for your internet connection to become stable before you can start playing again.
    • As an indication of such instances, you may get an empty table/board (without cards or pieces) or might get a white screen.
    • We recommend that you try playing again after 15 to 20 minutes if the above situation arises.
    • We also recommend that if you are playing from a cyber cafe, then no more than 3 to 4 people play at the same time.


What are Firewall and Port requirements?

Some systems do not have access to port 4001 which is required to play on If you are able to load the game but then not see any further action, the please try to following command to check whether you have access to port 4001.

  • Go to Start, then Run and type cmd.
  • In the resulting screen, type the following: telnet 4001.
  • If the resulting is a plain black screen, it means you have access to port 4001.
  • If the resulting is a message saying (Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 4001: Connect failed), it means you do not have access to port 4001 and hence cannot play the game.

I joined the tournament but nothing happened, why?

This can happen primarily because your pop-up window has been blocked by a pop-up blocker in your browser. A quick solution is to enable pop-ups from by adding it in your allowed websites.

  • Internet Explorer » Tools » Pop-Up Blocker Settings » Type and add it in the allowed websites list.
  • Firefox » Tools » Options » Content » Exceptions and add to allowed list.

Why am I getting error message "internet connection lost", "trying to re-connect".

This message is seen due to intermittence in your internet connection. We recommend the below mentioned requirements for your internet connection. It's important that you have a fast speed internet connection to experience the superior gaming experience at

  1. Network Connection - 256kbps and above is recommended.
  2. Procedure to analyze Internet Connection.
    • To check loss percentage and latency, go to Start, then Run and type cmd.
    • In the resulting screen, type the following: ping -n 50.
    • After a minute or so, statistics will appear giving information on the above.
  3. Ideally, the loss percentage should be below 2%.
  4. The latency should ideally be below 500ms on average.
  5. Network Stabilization
    • At certain times, your internet connection is not suitable for playing multiplayer games as the connection to our servers keep breaking from your end.
    • If this is detected by our servers, we have to give sufficient time for your internet connection to become stable before you can start playing again.
    • As an indication of such instances, you may get an empty table/board (without cards or pieces) or might get a white screen.
    • We recommend that you try playing again after 15 to 20 minutes if the above situation arises.
    • We also recommend that if you are playing from a cyber cafe, then no more than 3 to 4 people play at the same time.

I joined a tournament, pop-up appeared but game didn't load, why?

Some systems do not have access to port 4001 which is required to play on If you are able to load the game but then not see any further action, the please try to following command to check whether you have access to port 4001.

  • Go to Start, then Run and type cmd.
  • In the resulting screen, type the following: telnet 4001.
  • If the resulting is a plain black screen, it means you have access to port 4001.
  • If the resulting is a message saying (Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 4001: Connect failed), it means you do not have access to port 4001 and hence cannot play the game.

I have access to port 4001 still my Game doesn't load.

  1. You might have seen Network Stabilization from our server.
    • At certain times, your internet connection is not suitable for playing multiplayer games as the connection t o our servers keep breaking from your end.
    • If this is detected by our servers, we have to give sufficient time for your internet connection to become stable before you can start playing again.
    • As an indication of such instances, you may get an empty table/board (without cards or pieces) or might get a white screen.
    • We recommend that you try playing again after 15 to 20 minutes if the above situation arises.
    • We also recommend that if you are playing from a cyber cafe, then no more than 3 to 4 people play at the same time.
  2. To check your internet connection follow the steps mentioned below:
    • To check loss percentage and latency, go to Start, then Run and type cmd.
    • In the resulting screen, type the following: ping -n 50.
    • After a minute or so, statistics will appear giving information on the above.
  3. Ideally, the loss percentage should be below 2%.
  4. The latency should ideally be below 500ms on average.

If you are still facing issues, contact us at and our support team will assist you.

Why does it take a long time for the game to load?

  • Please make sure that you are following the PC system requirements and the Internet connection requirements.
  • Try to avoidopening other applications and other bandwidth resource intensive websites while playing on
    Eg: Email clients, Web based emails, Video Websites any other site which requires high bandwidth.
  • We recommend you open in one browser window and don't open any other tabs in the same browser.

Still have unanswered questions?

If you still have questions to which you would like answers, please Contact Us.

Contact Our Support

Rummy Epiczone support team is available round the clock 24x7 to give you the Best Rummy ExperienceTM. Connect with our customer support team from your registered email ID at and share your concern or issue. Our representative will get back to you with a solution shortly.