Internet and Technical Problems

What are the recommended system requirements?

To have a smooth rummy playing experience at we recommend the below mentioned requirements:

Your Computer

Our rummy games are designed to run on any reasonably modern computer without the need to install additional hardware or software. In case you have any doubts or are having trouble playing on Rummy Epiczone, please check if your computer conforms to the minimum configuration below:

  • CPU - Pentium 4 and above is recommended.
  • RAM - 512MB is recommended.
  • Operating System - We support our games on Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7, as well as on Linux. Our games are known to work on Apple Mac computers as well.
  • Screen Resolution - 1024x768 is recommended.
  • Please use a web browser from our Supported Browsers list.
  • Please ensure that your Internet connection conform to the recommendations below.
  • Turn on your speakers to listen to Game Sounds.
  • Flash Player 9 or greater should be installed on your computer. To download the latest Flash Player, click here.

What browsers do you support now?

Our games are tested on Internet Explorer 7 and later, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 and later and Google Chrome. Please note that some of our users have reported difficulties with the "Google Gears" plugin available for some of our supported browsers, hence we recommend this plugin may be disabled. Please note that:

  • Your browser must have Javascript enabled.
  • For the best gameplay experience, you should disable the Pop-up Blocker in your browser for
  • The latest version of Adobe Flash Player should be installed for your browser.

What Internet Connection is required?

For the best gaming experience on Rummy Epiczone, you need a fast Internet connection. Your computer should be able to connect and download all game related data from our servers quickly and reliably. We recommend a high-speed broadband connection of 256 Kbps and above, with little or no packet loss and low latency to our servers.

You can determine packet loss and latency by following this procedure:

  • On your Windows 2000 or XP computer, click on the "Start" button, and select "Run". Type "cmd" into the resulting window, without the quotes. A new window appears.
  • Into this resulting window, type the following as: ping -t
  • After a few seconds, a summary of the connection statistics from your computer to our servers will be displayed.
  • For the best experience, the loss percentage should be 0%.
  • Again, for the best experience, the average latency should be lower than 400ms.

Please be aware that the quality of Internet connection for playing multiplayer games online should be much better than that for regular day-to-day Internet activities like browsing, email etc. Even a slight degradation in the connection quality will affect your Rummy Epiczone experience adversely.

In case you face such a problem of degradation of playing experience, we recommend that you try playing again after 15 to 20 minutes.

We also recommend that if you are playing from a cyber cafe or otherwise sharing an Internet connection with others, then please ensure that no more than 4 people are logged in to Rummy Epiczone simultaneously.


What are Firewall and Port requirements?

Rummy Epiczone's games are offered on TCP port 443. Your firewall needs to allow unfiltered access to this port.

I joined the tournament but nothing happened, why?

This can happen primarily because your pop-up window has been blocked by a pop-up blocker in your browser. A permanent solution is to enable pop-ups from by adding it to your browser configuration.

  • Internet Explorer: Go to Tools >> Pop-Up Blocker >> Pop-Up Blocker Settings and type into the box labelled "Address of website to allow".
  • Mozilla Firefox: Go to Tools>> Options >> Content >> Exceptions to Block Pop-up Windows and type in the box labelled "Address of website".
  • Google Chrome: Go to Wrench Menu >> Options >> Under the Hood >> Content Settings >> Pop-ups >> Exceptions >> Add, type into the pattern box, and select "Allow" from the Action box.

I joined the tournament but nothing happened, why?

This can happen primarily because your pop-up window has been blocked by a pop-up blocker in your browser. A quick solution is to enable pop-ups from by adding it in your allowed websites.

  • Internet Explorer » Tools » Pop-Up Blocker Settings » Type and add it in the allowed websites list.
  • Firefox » Tools » Options » Content » Exceptions and add to allowed list.

Why am I getting error message "internet connection lost", "trying to re-connect".

This message is seen due to intermittence in your internet connection.

Click here to see Internet Connection Requirements.

I joined a tournament, pop-up appeared but game didn't load, why?

Some systems do not have access to port 443 which is required to play on

Click here to see Firewall and Port requirements.

Why does it take a long time for the game to load?

  • Please make sure that you are following the PC system requirements and the Internet connection requirements.
  • Try to avoidopening other applications and other bandwidth resource intensive websites while playing on
    Eg: Email clients, Web based emails, Video Websites any other site which requires high bandwidth.
  • We recommend you open in one browser window and don't open any other tabs in the same browser.

Still have unanswered questions?

If you still have questions to which you would like answers, please Contact Us.

Contact Our Support

Rummy Epiczone support team is available round the clock 24x7 to give you the Best Rummy ExperienceTM. Connect with our customer support team from your registered email ID at and share your concern or issue. Our representative will get back to you with a solution shortly.