FAQs and Benefits
What is RummyStars?
RummyStars is an exclusive program for skilled players to build their personal profile page and start making money by inviting friends, family, and others.
How do I become a RummyStar?
Based on your playing performance, Rummy Epiczone will decide & offer you the opportunity to join the RummyStars program. It will automatically appear on the screen once you qualify for the RummyStars program. You have to provide a High-Resolution image of yourself with a testimonial of playing and winning on Rummy Epiczone and submit a request to be a part of the RummyStars.
How much time does it take for activation of the RummyStars profile?
It can take up to 48 hours to activate your RummyStar profile once it is approved by Rummy Epiczone
Why was my RummyStars profile rejected?
Your RummyStars profile is subject to approvals from the Rummy Epiczone Team. Your application may be rejected for multiple reasons.
Unsupported photo format (Bad Resolution, Inappropriate) Testimonial content has objectionable language, offensive words or things Rummy Epiczone deems as inappropriate.
How do I edit My RummyStar profile?
If we do find your profile inappropriate to be published as a RummyStar profile, we will send you a notification informing you of the same.
Also, if you wish to resubmit your profile, send in a request using the form available on the RummyStars page, and we will enable the resubmission of the profile.
Can I complete my RummyStar profile in parts?
Yes, you can SAVE your profile and come back to finish it later.
What do I get by being a RummyStar?
Once you become a RummyStar, we create a personalized page on www.rummycircle.com and allow you to share it on all the Social Media platforms that you actively use. If there are any friends from your Social Network, who register on Rummy Epiczone, you will get a referral bonus for the same.
Is there a limit to how much money I can make thru RummyStars?
No, there is no limit to the money you can make through our RummyStars program. However, Rummy Epiczone will review its policies at regular intervals and might put limits on this program.
Misuse of the RummyStars program?
In case you use FAKE pictures or make fraudulent claims on your RummyStars profile, Rummy Epiczone reserves the right to permanently disable your RummyStar profile. All the money that you might have made will be forfeited. You may also get banned from playing on Rummy Epiczone.
Can I have multiple RummyStar profiles?
No, you cannot have multiple profiles. 1 person - 1 profile. At any point in time, if we detect that you have multiple ids or are misusing the system in anyway, your RummyStar profile may get rejected, and all money that you may have earned will be forfeited. You may also be banned from using the website.
You may use the Rummy Epiczone friend inviter system to bring in your friend list through multiple email service providers to send referral emails to them. However, if we receive any SPAM complaints against your profile, Rummy Epiczone reserves the right to disapprove, ban or block you from sending more Invites.
How much money can I make per referral?
You will get a total Rs. 1000 per paying referral that you bring to Rummy Epiczone. This money will be credited to you in parts as per the following list https://epiczonegamingtech.com/promotions/bringafriendbonusparts.html
How do I track how many people have joined through my RummyStar profile?
We will provide you a detailed analytics dashboard which will show you the number of people joining thru your RummyStars profile. It will also provide the break-up of people joining through your RummyStar profile from various Social Networks (FB, Twitter, G+, Email)
How do I maximize the money that I make through RummyStars?
We encourage you to share your RummyStar profile on a regular basis through your Social networks and emails. If you regularly share your RummyStar profile on the Social platforms which you are active on, the chances of you making money are higher.
What is professional PhotoShoot?
To maximize the impact of your RummyStar profile and to ensure you make money, we recommend using a professional grade picture. To enable this for you, we are offering a professional photo shoot free of cost for a limited time. You can select the date and time slot for this photoshoot and we will send you the details of the studio location where you can visit for a free professional portfolio shoot done. Please remember, this is a limited time service that Rummy Epiczone is offering.
I booked the photo shoot, but unable to join? Re-schedule?
At the moment, we do not have an option to reschedule the photo shoot. However, we request you to inform us about the same on shoot@epiczonegamingtech.com at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment.
What is professional Video-shoot?
At regular intervals, Rummy Epiczone will identify the most skilled Rummy Players in India. These players will be given an opportunity to express how Rummy is a game of skill and how their skill has led to a superlative performance. It will also give them an opportunity to endorse the game of Rummy as well as Rummy Epiczone as a platform. This testimonial is a video recording of your experience of playing / winning at Rummy Epiczone.
Why should I get a professional photo shoot?
As they say, a picture is a worth a thousand words. A professional shot picture can accelerate the money that you can make through your personal profile page. We at Rummy Epiczone, have partnered with top of the line professional photographers and photo studios who can help you to get an image that you can use a High-Quality your profile.
I want to provide a Video-Testimonial, what should I do?
At regular intervals, Rummy Epiczone will identify the most skilled Rummy Players in India. These players will be given an opportunity to express how Rummy is a game of skill and how their skill has led to a superlative performance. However, if you think you are good at Rummy and would like to partner with us to endorse Rummy as a game or Rummy Epiczone as a platform, please send us an email at shoot@epiczonegamingtech.com
How would RC be using my pictures / videos?
At the time when you upload your picture / video or provide us the images through a professional photographer you are giving us. I understand and agree that the audio/video, text testimonial and my image given by me shall remain the property of EPICZONE GAMING PRIVATE LIMITED and hereby irrevocably assign all right title and interest in the same to EPICZONE GAMING PRIVATE LIMITED. I hereby grant full rights to EPICZONE GAMING PRIVATE LIMITED to make editorial changes in the audio/video, text testimonial as may be suitable for their requirements from time to time.
I want to de-active my RS profile?
If you wish to de-active your RS profile, send us an email at rummystar@epiczonegamingtech.com, and it will take up to 48 hours for the profile to be deactivated. In case your profile has be indexed by the Search Engine, the removal from the Search Engine is beyond Rummy Epiczone's control.
What happens to my Bonus if I deactivate my RS profile?
You will get the full bonus amount for all the successful referrals even after your profile is deactivate All referrals who have signed through your RummyStar profile & fulfilled the bonus criteria However, if your profile was blocked for misuse by the RC team, all your money that you have earned or will earned will be forfeited.
Can I run FB Ad's using the RS profile page.
No, Rummy Star profile cannot be used to run any kind of advertising campaigns inclusive of Facebook ads. The profile is created to give your individual space on Rummy Epiczone and has been done to improve your gameplay experience with Rummy Epiczone.