This FAQs page is designed to help you learn more and find answers to most questions on RummyRewardzTM - the brand-new Loyalty & Rewards Program from Rummy Epiczone.
RummyRewardzTM is the brand-new Loyalty & Rewards Program from Rummy Epiczone that truly rewards you for being a loyal player.
Every time you play rummy for real money on Rummy Epiczone, you earn two types of points at the same time:
Loyalty Points and Reward Points.
Loyalty Points determine your club status.
Reward Points are your redeemable currency that can be redeemed in our exclusive RummyRewardzTM Store for a host of attractive rewards!
Loyalty Points are the points that you earn in return for the entry fee that you pay for cash games on Rummy Epiczone.
For every r50 that you spend in cash games, you earn 1 Loyalty Point.
Loyalty Points are important because they determine your club status. Your entry into a particular club and subsequent retention/upgrade depends on the Loyalty Points you accumulate in the qualifying period.
Refer to the table below for the number of Loyalty Points required for qualification in each club:
If you play Pool or Deals rummy for cash, you earn 1 Loyalty Point for every r50 that you spend in entry fees. If you play Points rummy for cash, we estimate your effective entry fee in a deal to be the total cash won in the deal divided by the number of players who played the deal. You are awarded 1 Loyalty Point for every r50 in effective entry fees.
Click on 'My Account' in the header section of the Rummy Epiczone website. Now click on the 'Loyalty Points' section in the left navigation panel on the page. You can view the number of Loyalty Points you have earned in each month.
Yes, your Loyalty Points expire at the end of each month and the counter is reset to zero. However, this does not mean that you lose your club privileges at the end of each month. Each club has an associated validity period during which your club status cannot be downgraded.
For example, Gold Club has a validity of 1 calendar month (in addition to upgrade month). Let's say you upgrade to Gold Club on 15-February 2014. You can be assured that your club status cannot be downgraded below Gold Club till 31-March 2014.
Loyalty Points cannot be bought. They can only be earned by playing cash games on Rummy Epiczone.
Loyalty Points are not transferable.
Reward Points are your new, redeemable currency earned every time you play a cash game. Earning Reward Points is simple - the entry fee paid in cash games translates into Loyalty Points and for every Loyalty Point, you earn 1 Reward Point automatically!
Reward Points can be redeemed for attractive rewards like:
To avail the above redemption options, just head to the exclusive RummyRewardzTM Store!
You can view the redeemable Reward Points available to you in the 'Reward Points' section in the header section of the website. For a more detailed statement of accumulation and consumption of your Reward Points, you can click on 'My Account' in the header section of the Rummy Epiczone website and then click on the 'Reward Points' section in the left navigation panel on the page.
Click on 'Redeem' button near 'Reward Points' in the header section of the website. See screenshot below:
Upon clicking, you will be taken toRummyRewardzTM Store where you can choose your redemption option(s).
RummyRewardzTMStore is your one-stop shop to redeem Reward Points. It has a host of attractive redemption options such as tickets for tournaments, bonuses, real cash and much, much more!
Your Reward Points will never expire as long as you keep playing cash games on Rummy Epiczone. However, if you do not play any cash games, your Reward Points gradually begin to expire. In the first month of not playing any cash game on Rummy Epiczone, your 200 Reward Points would expire. Continued inactivity from cash games will see you lose an exponentially higher number of Reward Points each month.
Reward Points cannot be bought. They can only be earned by playing cash games.
Reward Points are not transferable.
You automatically become a club player the first time you play rummy for real money on Rummy Epiczone.
Your club status is visible to you in the header section of the website.
Club status can be upgraded by accumulating Loyalty Points. Refer to the table for the number of Loyalty Points required for the eligibility of a particular club.
To retain your current club status, you must again meet the eligibility criteria to qualify for your club by the time your club validity ends.
For example:If you acquired Gold Club status on 15-Feb, your club status will be valid till 31-March. To retain your Gold Club status in April, you must acquire a minimum of 240 Loyalty Points in March, which is the same requirement as listed in the above table.
Club Validity refers to the time duration for which your current club status remains active. Please note that once a player accumulates enough Loyalty Points to reach a higher club level, his/her club status is upgraded immediately.
Here, it is important to note that once a player reaches a higher club level, his/her club status is upgraded immediately.
For example, if a Diamond Club player accumulates 2,500 Loyalty Points on 15-September, he is upgraded to Platinum Club on that very day. His Platinum Club status will remain valid till 31-October i.e. 1 month in addition to upgrade month.
Qualifying period refers to the time duration for which your accumulated Loyalty Points will account for your club status.
For example : Diamond Club has a qualifying period of 1 month. This means that you can upgrade to Diamond Club by accumulating 1000 Loyalty Points in one month.Let's say you are a Silver Club player at the beginning of March 2014. You can upgrade to Diamond club by earning 1000 Loyalty Points in the month of March 2014 only.
It is the month in which a player upgrades to a higher club level.
You can become a Platinum Elite player by earning a total of 16,000 or more Loyalty Points in 3 consecutive calendar months.
For Example : Let's say on 15-May 2014, you have 16,000 Loyalty Points in your account that have been accumulated since 1-March 2014. You satisfy the qualification criteria for entry into Platinum Elite and would be upgraded immediately. You would continue to enjoy Platinum Elite status till the end of November 2014 (6 months in addition to upgrade month).
Every Platinum Elite player has a dedicated Relationship Manager. These managers are available on phone and email to ensure that any query, feedback or concern coming from a Platinum Elite player is addressed promptly. In addition to this, Platinum Elite players enjoy the highest rewards in exclusive tournaments and bonuses on Rummy Epiczone.
If you are already a Platinum Elite player and would like to extend your validity, all you have to do is again meet the criteria for qualification into Platinum Elite.
For Example:Let's say that you are upgraded to Platinum Elite on 15-May, 2014 and your status is valid till November, 2014. If on 10-June, 2014, you again have 16,000 Loyalty Points in your account that have been accumulated since 1-April, 2014, you will enjoy extended Platinum Elite validity till the end of December, 2014!